Sunday, July 09, 2006

July update 2006

Welcome to my very first blog.
I thought that this might be an easier way to keep you all updated every month.

I now live in a house that is on the first floor of the dormitory. Right now there are six of us living here now. Three full time staff and three interns.
I went from living in an apartment all by myself to a house filled with people. I have enjoyed the company of these young women of God.

They have helped lighten the load this summer. In the month of June we had a basketball camp, medical clinic, and ongoing construction.

I myself am doing very well. I believe that God gave me an apartment to myself for a year to adjust and process all the newness of living in a different culture, but even more to process all that he wanted to do inside of me. As the new staff are arriving they are finding themselves feeling the same feelings and frustrations that I felt a year and a half ago. Hopefully I can continue to encourage them from all that I learned last year. Not that I have arrived at some sacred hilltop. OH no!
I still have a looooong way to go, but God is faithful to teach us and grow us. With his help we can face all the new experiences ahead with confidence.

I will be spending alot of time in the States this fall. I'll be fund raising, recruiting teams, and visiting family. I am going to be taking a road trip through California.

Please let me know if you would like me to stop by while on my road trip. I would love to stop by.

My favorite thing from the month of July was the spontainious eye clinic.

An optomotrist came with crosspoint community church of Nashville. He brought all the equipment needed for an eye clinic including hundreds of glasses to hand out. All he needed was a dark place to check eyes. We threw a tarp over the van. I helped a little with translating, but mostly I worked with the developing crowd. We saw over 150 people for eye exams out of the back of a van. It was a fun day.

Con el amor de Cristo,


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