Saturday, October 07, 2006

September 2006

Well another month has gone by and I am safely in the Dominican Republic.

September was unusually spent for me. It seemed calm. I was in Oregon long enough to become part of the usual swing of things for awhile and it was very nice. Even though I was still visiting and fundraising, I was able to relax with friends and family too.

We got sooo much done this summer and it was great! It was awsome to see the kids in "the Hole" eating thier meals in the new building, even though its not yet finished they were enjoying the space to sit and eat in benches instead of everyone on the floor.

But because it was so busy it was a releaf to be at my mother's for awhile. I ate things that I missed like blackberries and sushi (not together). But by the end of the month I was longing for chicken prepared in the Dominicin fashion. And on TV, when there was a blurb about AIDS in Africa, or children living in the landfills of central America, an indiscribable ache called me.

I guess that I am trying to say that I needed the time away to recharge and be with God. But I cannot deny that God has called me to missions. I do not pretend to know all that God has for me or the plan in the years to come, but going "home" helped me to know that this is my home. Not a place made of wood or concrete, but a place in the Spirit where God lives. And as long as others can see Jesus through me, then I am home.

There is a Spanish worship song, I confess I forget the name, but roughly translated it sings "You have given me my name, I am your child, the center of your eyes, because you have loved me"
And I am reminded, this is why I do what I do.

ps. A reminder to you... you are God's child and YOU are at the center of his eyes


The Partins said...
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The Partins said...

It's obvious you have been called to this place where the Holy Spirit is alive in you! We love working alongside of you. Keep sharin'.
