Monday, November 06, 2006

October 2006

Back in the DR!

Well, when I returned from the states this month it was good to have some fun with my roomies and reconnect with them. Here we are at an Aguilas game. As you may know, baseball is huge in the Dominican Republic and the Aquilas are the local professional team. I love to go see them play when I get the chance.

Celebration Church, my home church in Oregon, came on a short term mission trip this month. I loved being with them as they experienced all the wonderful things that can happen when you GO to a different place that needs something you can give. Most people discover that no matter how much you give, you always end up recieving so much more.

They did a number of different things while they were here including assistance with a soccer camp, a medical clinic, and children's ministry. Here I am with Jasmine, Pastor Jeff, Kevin, Jolleen and Pastor Rafelito (can you guess which one is Rafelito).

On a more somber note.

The medical clinic was held in a barrio called Santa Lucia but is known as "La Mosca" which means "the fly". It is easy to see why it is called the fly if you have been there. The community sits at the feet at the city's largest land fill. Flies, among other things, come with the garbage that is brought in and stirred daily. The clinic was held in the church/feeding center/school from which Pastor Jonas does everything possible to shine the light of Jesus daily.

From the building I could see that there was a funeral being held by the people sitting outside the house and the tarp that shaded them. Our trusty bus driver who makes it his job to understand what is going on around the work sites told me that a baby had died. Thinking that I could say a prayer for them, he asked if I wanted to take a look. I did. But I confess I was not prepared. I entered the room and there was small wood casket housing the beautifully adorned body of a chubby baby girl. She was surrounded by flowers, wearing a lacy white dress and a crown made of aluminum foil. And that is as far as I will go on how she looked other than to say she was perfect.

Yes, it is sad that she died, but to me the greater tragedy was the curcumstances which surrounded her brief life.

The mother was no older than fourteen, possibly thirteen. The baby had died of internal injuries. The rumor is that two people in the house were fighting and one fell on the baby, killing her. I kissed the mother sending blessings and hugged a couple of the other women, then I walked away. Just walked away.

As I was walking, I was thinking on these things. "The mother so young. Was there fighting alot in the home? They were not believers, what were their chances now? Even if the child had lived, what would her fate have been? It seems certain that the mother will be pregnant again within the year. Will the cycle ever end?"

I looked up at the mountain of trash looming above. It seemed to seeth a toxic spell of possesion to all below. It supplies their material for housing among other needs and in return only requires any hope that they may entertain of a livelyhood. Is there hope?

Then I looked in another direction. The building that was swarming with people. People waiting for medicine. Doctors, pastors and others running around trying to do all they could, whether it was diagnosing a disease, painstakingly trying to communicate in a different language, or just entertaining the children. And among them all was pastor Jonas, who didn't have to choose this place to build his church, but did. It was the antidote to the spell.

There is hope.

It only takes one person to break the cycle. That one person is Jesus. It doesn't matter who you are. Jesus died that there may be hope, and he rose that we may know it.

Pray that I may see hope in dark places, and I will pray that you may know the great hope that God has for you.

"Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.'

When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, 'Brothers, what then shall we do?'

Peter replied, 'Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off -

for all whom the Lord our God will call."

~Acts 2:36-39

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