Tuesday, April 03, 2007

March 2007

We started in March with a soccer clinic. The men's soccer team from Indiana Wesleyan University, did a camp for the kids in Los Perez. They also played in a tournament with local teams including the Dominican national soccer team. This group of young men were a joy to have around. Their energy and camaraderie reached the kids in a unique way. One young man formed a little, unofficial team with the kids that were either to young or weren't signed up. He played games and goofed around with then all day sometimes ending up at the bottom of the dog pile. But he helped the little ones know that he cared.

There were two teams that came this month that are always a pleasure when they come. The first was Crosspoint Community Church from Nashville and the second was Northeast Christian Church from Illinois. Both Churches have developed a strong partnership with a national pastor that they support financially, but they also genuinely care for their partner and the community in which they work.

Northeast partners with Rafelito, the pastor in Los Guandules. For those of you who know about "the Hole" los Guandules is like the Hole but without the landfill. But the same basic idea of shacks by a dirty river along with drugs, flooding, stealing, disease, poverty...you get the idea. Well Northeast came along side of Rafelito. They didn't just support him, but they have believed in him and in a God that can change the lives of the people who live in Los Guandules. With their support we were able to buy some property and tear down the bar that was on the property. But this wasn't just a bar. This was a gambling bar, with a mysterious room. Several wives have said that their husband would gamble his entire paycheck there. So this was a place of many vices for the community.

So we tore it down and in time built a church with a feeding center. It is a beautiful building. Rafelito will always say that God isn't in a building, but it sure makes it easier to do his work with one. The kitchen is big and industrial so that the cooks can cook for the 100+ kids who are fed lunch Monday through Saturday. The kids sit in chairs at little tables. There are different colored plates depending on how much the kids eat. I myself have noticed a marked difference in the Health of the kids since the program has been up and running.
So the team came and encouraged Rafelito and his family in ministry.

The week before Northeast, Crosspoint had come. They partner with Moises who is the pastor of a Haitian church here in Santiago. Moises faces a lot of challenges because of his nationality and the political and racial tension between the two countries. He is a quiet stoic sort of person when you first meet him. But you soon realize the depth of his relationship with God and desire to help the Haitians who are struggling to make it in the Dominican Republic. Crosspoint are a jovial group and like to have a good time as well as work hard. So they make a funny partner for Moises. But beyond, cultures, races, and everything else, is the Love of God that doesn't fit within our boundaries of cultures, races, and everything else. See what I mean?
While Crosspoint was here last year they poured the foundation of the church/feeding center in Briza del Campo. This year they poured the floor. Moises worked hard along side the team to get his church under way.

On the lot behind the church a Haitian family lives. They have a little girl who is about the size of a 15 month old, but in fact she is two. As the family cooked peanut brittle to sell, I lamented in my heart about the little girl's future. I had seen it before, and I knew that because of her size and living conditions she would probably be sick most of her childhood.

Then suddenly I remembered what the kids in the Guandules looked like before the feeding center. They had runnier noses and more skin issues etc...
Soon there would be a feeding center here and she will be able to go to it. She will get the nutrition she needs as well as other things the program provides, such as uniforms for school and clothing.

I am excited for what God is going to do through Moises and Rafelito and their partners.


Dos Blessed said...

jen, thank you for sharing the needs of the dominican and haitian people in such an incredible way. thank you for being there. i am encouraged by your presence there because i know that each child that you encounter will be prayed and cared for in some way because of what God has empowered and purposed you to do. thank you for your diligence and your heart for His people!
mucho paz y esperanza en cristo-

The Partins said...

jen, great blog entry. thanks for using this page to let the world know about the ministry that the Haitians and Dominicans are doing. we have a great opportunity here and you use it well every day. thanks for your leadership.


Anonymous said...

Jen, As a member of the NECC team, I want to thank you for the service you provided during the dental clinic. I was so touched by your love and compassion with the children. It was truely amazing to watch you as you had such a calming affect. You have a great gift and are showing the children God's love through your actions!
I pray that God will always strength you...