
Monday, June 04, 2007

May 2007

I have enjoyed working on some different projects this past month.

The first week of May, all of the American staff of GO Ministries was working at the Kentucky derby. Yes... I said the Kentucky derby. GO Ministries was invited by a company called "The Game" to sell merchandise at the derby and all of the races leading up to the derby which ends up being about four days. But what was truly incredible was how so many people came from all over to volunteer and support GO. Volunteers came from Atlanta, Indiana, and even one from Oregon. Many slept on air mattresses and couches and then worked long, hard hours. It is truly touching for me to see the level of support and sacrifice that was demonstrated Stateside.

Sometimes it can seem easier for people to be sacrificial while on a short term mission trip. There can be a sense of being "on", so I was very encouraged to see so many of our friends come together to serve while in the States. It was all worth it too. We raised twenty three thousand dollars that GO Ministries can do a lot with. Thank you all so much.

Click on the GO Derby link for information about Derby 08. Its not too early to volunteer for next year.

After the derby, I was blessed to be able to spend a few weeks productively working in The headquarter office of GO. I enjoyed spending time with the stateside staff and being a part of all the workings of GO there.

While I was in Louisville working in the office, it was brought to my attention that I am seriously under budget. Each month I have been receiving on average only Half of my bare bones minimum. GO Ministries has supplied where I lack, but that is money that needs to go to other sources such as national pastor support. I am supplying a link to help inform you of my needs. Right now the biggest need I have is monthly support.

Click on Jen's support team to learn more about my financial needs and how you can help.

When I returned to the DR I had the pleasure of being assigned to Document several locations. I traveled to Haiti to take pictures of Ouanaminthe and Phaeton.

Ounamenthe is a border town just on the other side from the Dominican Republic. It is where we work with Pastor Arsenio who runs an orphanage, school and nutrition center. The town had been hit by a tornado. All the children are safe, but the roof of the orphanage was seriously damaged leaving the children and all their belongings to the wind and the rain. But that hasn't stopped the school or the nutrition center from continuing. Just another daily struggle in Haiti.

Phaeton is a fishing village along the upper coastline in Haiti. It is situated in the middle of nowhere and the people struggle to find work of any kind. There once was a factory where people worked. The factory has long since shut down, but the people are still there.

Northeast Christian Church of Illinois partners with Lucner who is the Pastor in Phaeton. I cannot wait to see how this partnership develops and how they can reach the people of Phaeton together.

Celebration Church of Oregon is planning a short-term mission trip in October. I would love it if you would join this team and come see the wonderful culture and people of The Dominican Republic.

Celebration Church is going to have a informative launching meeting on Saturday June 10 at 2:30 in the afternoon.
Celebration Church is located at:
2700 SW 3rd St.
Corvallis, OR. 97333

I know that God has great plans.

"As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me"


  1. I know that God has great plans for you!
    Thanks for your leadership and inspiration...
    Can't wait to see what the summer brings!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Get stretched, Get pumped and Ready to GO!! This summer is here baby and I say bring it on...

  4. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Jen, you did a wonderful job on the Phaeton video. You worked quickly to provide needed information for the growth of the feeding center. I can not thank you enough for your hard work and loving caring for God's kingdom growth.

    You are such an encouragement to me!!

    May God guide and strengthen you each and every day!
