
Saturday, January 03, 2009

December 2008

Happy New Year!!

December second I arrived in the Dominican Republic after three months stateside.

I've spent time reacclimating and getting reacquainted with friends.

Christmas is by far the biggest holiday in the Dominican. Overall the country doesn't celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving so people are free to start Christmas festivities months in advance.

People take time off of work to relax and spend time with each other. One of the best ways to spend time together is to eat eat eat. And eat we did. I attended four different Christmas dinners!

One of the dinners was in Hato del Yaque. I have been trying to go out there on the weekends and spend time with the church there. I love just being able to sit with people and talk and get to know them. It helps me remember why I am a missionary.

A young lady with an amazing testimony invited me to her house to chat after church one day.

Her name is Tata. She is 19 and has five children. She got married when she was 13 because her mother didn't want her at home.

As I sat with her in her house she shared with me some of the changes that have taken place in her life. She said that her husband used to drink and they would argue.

She started coming to church and felt God touch her. Her mother noticed a difference in her and so did her husband. He began to come with her and stopped drinking. Soon they were baptized together.

She said that where there used to be contention, now there is tranquility. "Now we sit on the patio together and talk"

Tata and her family have been through allot and continue to struggle economically and spiritually. Her husband continues to look for work to provide something for his family while tata tries to keep her kids healthy. The one she is holding in this photo was two pounds when he was born and was supposed to die. But God has other plans for him.

I am excited because her kids will be part of the nutrition center as soon as it is up and running.

Tata also said something that especially touched my heart. She said that people judge her because she is so young. At the time she had no choice, but now she sees that God has a plan and will only worry about what He thinks.

There are many young girls that are in Tata's position that haven't fared as good as she. As the hub in Hato del Yaque continues to grow, I know that God will use the church members, the teams, and all the programs to change the lives of this wonderful group of people.

May your entry into 2009 be blessed!

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